Some time ago, while doing my shopping, I was suddenly seized with such violent pain in my knee and leg that I could not take another step, and I also experienced a sudden severe heart disturbance. I did not fall; but leaning against a wall, I tried to pray to God for help. I was too upset to think clearly, though, and the condition necessitated my acting quickly.
I called a gardener who was working nearby and asked him to help me. He tried to assist me to walk, but this was impossible. With a good deal of trouble I was then hoisted up into his truck, and this good man drove me to my daughters house, about a hundred meters away.
Later when my daughter took me home by taxi, I felt her prayer, which meant so much to me at that moment, because she was applying Christian Science as she had been taught in Sunday School. When I arrived home my husband was not there, but a dear neighbor helped me by calling a Christian Science practitioner.