Christian Science teaches that health is a state of consciousness, an individual recognition of spiritual harmony. In proportion as our thoughts dwell on spiritual reality, we become more and more confident that all that belongs to real being—to God—is already established in the infinitude of Mind. In speaking of what God does, the Bible says, "Nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it."1 Therefore harmony is the spiritual fact; discord, only the material illusion. Spiritual harmony in man is expressed in health and holiness.
An acknowledgment of the absolute allness and oneness of God, though highly important, is not all that is required. The error or errors appearing to produce discord must be corrected. To do this work effectively, to restore health and harmony, requires discernment of the error to be eliminated by Truth and Love.
Christ Jesus' highly developed spiritual perception enabled him to read the human mind so effectively that the specific error could not hide. The presence of the Christ, Truth, which Jesus embodied, uncovered and dispelled it. Spiritual discernment involves much more than the detection of error. It apprehends spiritual Truth, which annihilates error. When error disappears from thought, healing follows.