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The Astrology Fallacy

From the May 1974 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was once assumed that astrology, the most ancient of all occult beliefs, could not survive an age of rigorous scientific investigation. Yet today astrology is again riding a wave of incredible popularity.

Many are searching astrological lore in the hope of finding who they are, what their purpose in life is, and how they can relate meaningfully to others. They are seeking harmony, order, and wholeness in the universe and in their own lives.

But will astrology bring the enlightenment and satisfaction they are seeking? Will it enable them to look beyond the deceptive world of appearances and to have the tremendous satisfaction of discovering their own true nature and that of the universe? Will it show them how they can overcome the belief in mortality? Or is it just one more human theory to trap mankind in a restrictive material sense of life?

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