Whether we are employed by a small company or by a large corporation, whether we are operating our own business or managing family affairs, the study of Christian Science helps us by revealing a spiritual view of business that can be made practical in our lives. Business on the human scene is conducted in the marketplace. Business, spiritually viewed, exists in infinite Mind, God, and is the action and interaction of the ideas of Mind for the purpose of good.
Man, fully reflecting God, includes all of Mind's ideas and their good action. And, furthermore, there is a divinely right idea for our every business decision or challenge. Understanding this truth in our human affairs, we can find complex situations giving place to reasonable solutions, impossible job specifications becoming possible, lost shipments being found, inflexibility dissolving into cooperation, deadlines being met harmoniously.
We bring a balanced perspective to our
work because we are relying upon the constant
and unlimited action of God, good, even though
economic indicators may suggest a rise and fall
in the business climate.