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Satisfying the heart's longing for something better

From the January 1993 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A new year, like the next chapter of a story, isn't supposed to be more of the same. There's an expectancy, or at least a hope, that the days ahead will somehow be different; that they'll actually be better.

We need "better" in so many areas. Better help for people; too many remain unfed and uncared for. Warmer relations in and among communities; neighborhoods free of tension and hostility. Steady, more satisfying work. Better health. It's not a short list.

We could compose, thankfully, a long list of thoughtful, persevering people striving to turn things around and improve conditions in significant ways. We find them staffing homeless shelters, counseling the unemployed, banding together neighborhood support groups. Individuals and organizations are making noble efforts to help; and many people are better off as a result.

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