A student of Christian Science from Australia has written to say that each week she drives to meet a friend on a mountain between their two villages so that they can read the Bible Lesson together. Sitting outside or in one of their cars, they share the inspiration and understanding that have come to them during that week's study and practice. You could call this "the church on the mountain in the car." There is something tender in this spiritual bond that draws them together each week.
There are many groups of such twos and threes around the world, drawn together in love for the same thing: Christian Science. Such groups are quite different from a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, but their unorganized simplicity emphasizes the natural expression of love for God and man that develops among those who are pursuing an understanding of Christian Science healing. Spirit gathers together the lambs and sheep, those who have come to recognize the Shepherd's voice. These people have discovered the evidence of divine care, the supremacy of God's will, the living reality of health, holiness, goodness, purity, and love. The prayer "Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" 1 is transformed from thinking of it merely as a request to recognizing it as an affirmation, Thy will is ever done in earth as it is in heaven. At this point of spiritual awakening, human consciousness feels the tug of Christ Jesus' continuing instruction to go into all the world and preach the gospel and heal the sick. As Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science and the first Christian Science practitioner, wrote, "Healing the sick and the sinner with Truth demonstrates what we affirm of Christian Science, and nothing can substitute this demonstration." 2
This provides us some insight into the essential character of a branch church. As one's love for Christian Science is deepened and widened through a recognition that Christian Science has a divine origin, one feels a spiritual impulsion which elevates that love into discipleship. A natural bond is formed with those who share the conviction that the works of Christian Science fulfill Jesus' promise that the Father would send another Comforter. Christian Science is God's truth meeting humanity at every point of its need. The church is a light within the community, the actual activity of Christ, Truth, healing the sick, feeding the spiritually hungry, redeeming the sinner. The membership of an effective branch church is composed of those who are committing themselves to active discipleship. Their lives are filled with the special joy that comes to those who practice Christian healing.