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Spiritual awakening destroys resistance to Truth

From the January 1993 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Do we believe that every moment of Christ Jesus' life benefited the world? All Christians know that Jesus' prayers never failed to bless mankind. He was the Saviour of the world and did all that God ordained him to do to fulfill that mighty purpose.

Yet what was Jesus accomplishing even at those times when there weren't "many mighty works," 1 as Matthew's Gospel says of Jesus' visit to Nazareth on one occasion? Even when healing wasn't evident, wasn't he awakening the world by prayerfully overcoming the mental darkness that resists Christ-healing?

This mental darkness is ignorance of God, who is infinite Spirit. It's the spiritual blindness caused by the false belief that life and intelligence are material rather than spiritual. Jesus encountered this material-mindedness in the hostile political and religious hierarchies of his day. This mental darkness is the source of all the ignorance and cruelty that have existed on earth since earliest times. It's a state of thought that couldn't comprehend who Jesus was or from what he derived his power. It would try to snuff out whatever would come to save mankind from the bondage of materiality.

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