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If healing is slow, don't be discouraged!

From the January 1993 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Although many healings through prayer in Christian Science are quick, even instantaneous, on occasion it may seem as though we just inch along, making little progress. At such a time we may find ourselves thinking, "If only I could see a little evidence of progress, a little movement in the right direction, I would feel encouraged." If that movement is only a quarter of an inch, so to speak—if we can just recognize that we are actually in the middle of a healing and not in the middle of a difficulty—we'll be encouraged. We'll be even more encouraged and strengthened as we measure our healing progress by the awakening to the power of God that is taking place on a day-to-day basis. This inevitably brings permanent healing.

We see this awakening in tangible ways in our lives. For instance, we may be more patient in our dealings with others, more persistent in following through with right motives, more settled, calm, thoughtful, confident. We may find other healings taking place, all of which indicate that our thought is opening up to spiritual reality, to a greater perception of God's power and ever-presence.

As we recognize this evidence, we'll see that we have come a long way. It isn't possible to study the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's writings, pray, and live purer lives without experiencing physical as well as mental improvement. Referring to the moral and spiritual benefits of Christian Science healing, Mrs. Eddy observes, "The mortal body being but the objective state of the mortal mind, this mind must be renovated to improve the body." 1

1  Retrospection and Introspection, p. 34.

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