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From the January 1993 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Western Producer

From The Western Producer—a farming newspaper

"Meditation—a weekly sermonette"

"There are many people who are trying constantly to influence other persons, persons whom they love, who don't live their lives in a way that meets with the former's approval. . . .

"Whatever we may desire to see changed in the life of another person, however strong may be our impulse to assume responsibility for the course of his life, the greatest help we can give him is to see him as God's child, to radiate to him our God-given gift of love, consideration, patience, tolerance and thoughtfulness. A person who has cultivated the qualities of patience and tolerance . . . does not grow tense and condemnatory when things do not go the way he thinks they should. He is conscious that every person ... is in the process of spiritual growth and development— that he cannot interfere with another child of God any more than he can interfere with God, Himself."

Reprinted with permission
from Singer Media Corporation,
San Clemente, CA 92672.

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