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Testimonies of Healing

I have been a member of The...

From the January 1993 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have been a member of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, since 1948 and have had many healings and proofs of God's protective care.

In 1983 I began having severe pain in my knees which very quickly spread. In six months my body was affected from head to toe, and I was spending most of the day in bed. I got in touch with a Christian Science practitioner, and he helped me gain a sense of dominion over the great fear that enveloped me. Then it seemed right to call a different practitioner, who helped me understand the presence of God's love so that I became better able to pray for myself. By then I had gained a degree of dominion over confusion and was ready to really affirm the Truth and hold to it mentally.

Subsequently I worked with a third practitioner, who insisted that no matter what my distress was, my absolute perfection as a spiritual child of God was the present fact. Mary Baker Eddy writes in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, "The Christlike understanding of scientific being and divine healing includes a perfect Principle and idea,— perfect God and perfect man,— as the basis of thought and demonstration."

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