Christian Science brings into clear view the precious, nurturing motherhood as well as the fatherhood of God. In so doing, it shows us the true, complete nature of man. As the likeness of Father-Mother Love, man must include and express —in perfect harmony—both the masculine and feminine qualities of the divine nature. Referring to the statement in Genesis that the heavens and earth and all in them were finished, Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health, "Thus the ideas of God in universal being are complete and forever expressed, for Science reveals infinity and the fatherhood and motherhood of Love." 1
Science and Health includes a chapter titled "Genesis," in which that statement appears. This chapter brings out the distinction between the spiritual account of creation found in the first chapter of Genesis, in which creation is complete and "very good," and the material account that begins in the second chapter of Genesis. Here, in the story of Adam and Eve, man is portrayed as finite, fleshly, needing a mate for completeness. The first chapter of Genesis records the real creation of Spirit. The account of Adam and Eve is an allegory that presents the opposite side of the coin, so to speak—what seems to exist to ignorant, material sense but is to be overcome through obedience to Christ, Truth. Paul states it this way: 'As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." He continues further on, 'And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit." 2
Science and Health is a wake-up call from mortality's dream—a call to wake from the incomplete, mortal sense of man as half of a whole, needing a complementary other half, to a realization of the spiritual, whole identity we truly are. It awakens us to the real, which we each are ultimately required to show forth step by step, healing by healing, through spiritualization of thought.