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Of Good Report

I learned healing is possible

From the January 2022 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Growing up, I learned about Christ Jesus and knew of the many healings recorded in the Bible. But I had never been taught that we, too, could heal physical problems. I had learned, however, that we could be healed of sin. I found this problematic and often wondered: Why can we be healed of sin but not of sickness or injury?

While it would be many years before I was introduced to Christian Science, I had an early experience that provided a glimpse into the possibility of metaphysical healing. Illness was not discussed much in my family, and we visited the doctor only when we were suffering from symptoms that were considered serious. I recall my mother taking me to the doctor once when I was in high school, and he gave me some medicine and explained that once I took it, I would have to stay in bed. That did not appeal to me, so I did not take my medicine right away.

I lived in a very small town, and whenever the fire siren sounded, all the kids ran to the firehouse to see where the fire was. It was fall and cold. The siren went off. Not really properly dressed, I ran a number of blocks to the firehouse. Someone I knew had a pickup truck, and we all jumped in the back and drove up to the mountain to see the fire. 

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