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I know

From the November 1932 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Once “joy a trembler” was, and “hope a cheat,”Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 298.
But now I know!
With gratitude’s warm glow
My heart, replete,
Sings joyful praise, dear Father, unto Thee,
That error’s screaming hosts must bear defeat on ev’ry hand;
With humble gladness that at last I must
Return to Thee, relinquish every trust
In human seeming, must look up and find
Serene identity in the one Mind;
Glad recognition that I now can stand,
Harassed by claims of ill on every hand,
Above this earthly battle ground’s grim strife,
Armored by Spirit, held in Truth and Life,
My gaze fixed on the real; and so
I thank Love that I know.

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