About twenty-five years ago I was very ill and despondent, having tried many material means to regain my lost health but to no avail. I think what worried me most was the thought that I would not live to rear our children.
One night, when the picture was very dark, I earnestly prayed that God would lead me. The next day a woman who called at the house on business recognized my need and asked if I would try Christian Science. Feeling that this was an answer to my prayer, I called on a Christian Science practitioner and asked for treatment. She lent me a copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. I shall never forget the joy and peace obtained from that visit.
My husband and I commenced to study the Bible and Science and Health and to attend the church services. After one week, sinus trouble, from which I had suffered since childhood and which had resulted in frequent operations that gave only temporary relief, disappeared. So too did a morbid disposition. Neighbors noticed the change in me and asked if I had found a new remedy. I told them that through the study of Christian Science I had found God, who is Love, and they too became earnest students.