From the bottom of my heart I thank God for Christian Science. I have received guidance, protection, and many blessings through the study and application of this wonderful and practical religion.
At times some of the problems have seemed almost insurmountable, but by holding to the truth, as we are taught to do in Christian Science, and by being calm and doing the things at hand in a loving and cheerful manner, I have seen the problems fade away. In the Bible we read (Phil. 4:4), "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice." Christian Science teaches that joy bears witness to our trust in God.
Many years ago, at a time when I was nervous and unstrung, Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy was placed in my hands. I am grateful to the one who was responsible for this, because he must have discerned my need. The first thing I read in this textbook was the Lord's Prayer and its spiritual interpretation, given on pages 16 and 17. It created a feeling in me which I cannot explain and which I shall never forget. Then I read the chapter on Prayer, and it convinced me that Christian Science is good.