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From the April 1959 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IT may be said that as one grasps the truths underlying healing power, he begins to utilize that power. The beginner in Christian Science who puts into practice the truths he knows will find his infant understanding ever increasing.

Steadfast adherence to God, divine Principle, and an understanding of Him as Truth and Love lead the way to genuine healing. This way is not difficult, even for the beginner in Christian Science, provided he is honest and conscientious and is prepared to utilize his present understanding immediately when faced with error. Very often personal sense will suggest that one should wait until his understanding becomes a little greater before he tackles problems which loom large in thought. Yielding to this suggestion, one will be defeated from the outset.

If through our study of the Bible and of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, we have grasped the fundamentals of divine Science, and if we embody the spirit of Truth and Love, we shall find that God will make up for any deficiency in our understanding; and that which seems to cloud our consciousness will be dispersed.

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